Statement of Welcome

As a Caring, Open-Minded Community of Faith united in the unconditional love of God manifest in Jesus Christ and lived in the power of the Holy Spirit; the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) welcomes all.

Embracing the radical nature of unconditional love, this congregation stands in prayerful and active opposition to all forms of discrimination and seeks to extend this opposition to the world in God’s love and grace.

As a worshipping community, we gather at the Table of God’s love and grace as children of God united through our shared humanity and faith in Jesus Christ and humbly reject distinctions of age, economic status, education, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity, nationality, social position, or any other identity or status that might divide us from God or one another. Such distinctions not only shatter community and destroy lives, but they disgrace the image of God.

Upholding a foundation of faithful prayer, humble repentance, and intentional reconciliation we seek to extend God’s welcome to all in the name of Jesus Christ while upholding the sanctity of human dignity and diversity as created and blessed by God and intended for all of creation.